Tagged: inspiration



Always when you least expect it – BOOM! – SMASH! – a revelatory idea – some thing that helps you regain focus, or perhaps find it for the first time.

I’ve lost focus, many times in my life.  This has usually come by way of taking on too much – busying myself up.  It’s good to stay busy – stay productive some people will say.  But the question is:

Are the things that are keeping us so busy bringing us closer to who we truly want to be?

How much of the space in our lives is filled with activity – obligations – which only leave us feeling drained and, ultimately, dissatisfied?

For some of us, the answers to these questions can be defeating. 

You realize you are living a counterfeit.  And you are tired.

A recent trip to the other side of a black hole birthed one of those revelatory moments for me – a sort of disruption to my slumber.  Just above the event horizon 4 words rose – words that have helped me begin to redefine my focus –  and pair back – prune – jettison – anything that is not serving me in BECOMING.

Over the next weeks I will share with you those 4 words – what they mean to me – and how they are helping me clarify my dreams and ambitions…



